

Dear Clients,

we are informing You that

Immigration and Asylum Office Regional Directorate of Central Transdanubia


from February 19, 2019.

instead of current

in 8200 Veszprém, Levendula u. 1. keeps the customer reception.


In view of the above on 8200 Veszprém Megyeház tér 2.

on February 12, 14, 18, 2019

the customer service will closed!

In order to ensure smooth administration, we await our Clients at the time of customer reception - if necessary – in 8000 Székesfehérvár, József Attila u. 38.


Customer reception from 19 February 2019 as usual
8200 Veszprém, Levendula u. 1 continues.

Thank you for your patience and understanding:








8:30-12:00 and 13:00-16:00

8:30-12:00 and 13:00-15:30



8:30-12:00 and 13:00-16:30

8:30-12:00 and 13:00-16:00



8:30-12:00 and 13:00-16:00





8:30-12:00 and 13:00-15:30







Published in News




Brexit – Residence rules in force for citizens of the United Kingdom and their third country national family members


As of 31 January 2020 the United Kingdom withdrew from the European Union in an orderly manner. However, in accordance with the Withdrawal Agreement until the end of the transition period on 31 December 2020, UK citizens were considered EEA citizens. Registration certificates and permanent residence cards issued for UK citizens along with residence cards and permanent residence cards issued for third country national family members of UK citizens were valid until 31 December 2021 the latest.


Rules for a stay of more than 90 days within a 180-day period for UK nationals arriving in Hungary

UK nationals and their third country national family members intending to stay in Hungary for more than 90 days within 180 days may apply for a residence permit with a specific purpose in accordance with the general rules set out by the Act II of 2007 on the Admission and Residence of Third-country Nationals. Applications for a residence permit can only be submitted in Hungary electronically upon registration on the electronic platform of the immigration authority for procedure initiation. In case of a legal representative or an authorised representative of a legal entity, applications - which can otherwise be submitted electronically - can only be submitted electronically.


Please note that it is necessary to appear before the competent regional directorate within 15 days of the confirmation of receipt in order to verify your identity, to take your biometric data and a specimen signature, and to have your documents recognised.


For more details on electronic administration, please click here.


Preferential treatment for the application procedure for permanent residence of the third country national family members of UK nationals with permanent resident status in Hungary

third country national family member of UK nationals with permanent resident status in Hungary may be granted a national permanent residence permit if the existing family relationship with the UK national was established before 1 January 2021 and still continues to exist at the time of application for a national permanent residence permit, unless


a) their residence in the territory of Hungary constitutes a threat to public security or national security;


b) they are subject to expulsion or exclusion from the territory of Hungary, or for whom an alert has been issued in the SIS for the purpose of refusing entry and the right of residence;


c) they have disclosed false information or untrue facts in the interest of obtaining the permit, or misled the competent authority.


A national permanent residence permit provides permanent resident status and the holder of the permit shall have the right to reside in the territory of Hungary indefinitely. The validity period of a national permanent residence permit is 5 years which the immigration authority may extend by an additional 5 years upon request.


The person with a permanent resident status has permanent residence and is entitled to get an identity card.


Place of submitting applications for a national permanent residence permit, duration of the examination of applications:

Applications shall be submitted electronically via the online platform – operated by the National Directorate-General for Aliens Policing – Enter Hungary. Enter Hungary sends an automatic notification about the application and further steps to follow to those submitting their application electronically. In case of a legal representative or an authorised legal entity, applications - which can otherwise be submitted electronically - can only be submitted electronically. Enter Hungary sends an automatic notification of the application and further actions to be taken.


Please note that it is necessary to appear before the competent regional directorate within 15 days of the confirmation of receipt in order to verify your identity, to take your biometric data and a specimen signature, and to have your documents recognised.


The proceeding is exempt from charges.


The application for national permanent residence permit shall be examined by the competent authority within 30 days. In case of refusal the applicant may appeal the decision submitted to the authority of first instance within 15 days after the decision was delivered. In case the appeal is lodged in delay, a request for justification of the late appeal may be submitted as along with the appeal in order to justify the late appeal. A request for justification of a late appeal may be submitted within five days of the date on which the failure to act becomes known or the impediment ceases to exist, but no later than thirty days from the date of the missed deadline or the last day of the missed deadline. The appeal will be examined by the second instance authority within thirty days. Pleading infringement of law, an administrative appeal against the decision of the second instance authority may be launched within thirty days of the date of the delivery of the decision, before the Törvényszék (i.e. Regional Court) having jurisdiction and competence to hear the case. The Regional Court shall examine the case out of court; however, it shall hold a hearing upon the request of either party. If the applicant has a legal representative, the complaint initiating proceedings may be submitted electronically via the website of the National Directorate-General for Aliens Policing; if the applicant does not have a legal representative, the complaint initiating hearing proceedings may be submitted in triplicate, directly to the first instance authority.


Documents required to be enclosed with an application for national permanent residence permit:

The application for a national permanent residence permit must be accompanied by the application form, a valid travel document and a document duly proving the family relationship. Please note that if you apply online the application form will be generated by the Enter Hungary platform automatically. The applicants must print and sign this application form generated by the system and after signing it, it must be attached to the application form on the EnterHungary platform.


Announcement of the birth of a child born in Hungary:

If a UK national with a permanent resident status and his/her third-country national family member have a child born in Hungary, after the announcement of the birth a permanent residence permit shall be issued for the child.


Rules of the withdrawal of a national permanent residence permit

The immigration authority may withdraw the national permanent residence permit if the UK national or a third country national family member of a UK national

 a) was absent from the territory of Hungary for more than five consecutive years;

 b) constitutes a threat to Hungary’s public security or national security;

 c) is subject to expulsion or exclusion from the territory of Hungary, or for whom an alert has been issued in the SIS for the purpose of refusing entry and the right of residence, or

 d) requests the withdrawal of the national permanent residence permit.


The national permanent residence permit of the third country national family member of the UK national issued in accordance with rules set out in the Withdrawal Agreement is withdrawn by the immigration authority in case the national permanent residence permit of the UK national has been withdrawn, unless the family member satisfies the general conditions – except for the national interest of Hungary – for a national permanent residence permit.


Published in News


Dear Clients!

Please note that the order of client reception will be modified from July 23rd onwards in Szombathely and Zalaegerszeg as described below.

The order of client receipt after July 23rd:
Szombathely: Monday, 9:00 - 16:00
Zalaegerszeg: Tuesday, 9:00 - 16:00

Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.

Published in News


Dear Clients,


We hereby inform you that from Monday 14th May 2018, opening hours at our Kaposvár and Szekszárd client services have changed as follows (hours affected by the changes are underlined):



Széchenyi tér 3.




















Szent István tér 23.



















The client service in Pécs is not affected by the changes.


Immigration and Asylum Office

Published in News


Dear Clients,


We hereby inform you that, due to renovation work at Client Service in Budafoki út (Budapest), the order of the client reception is as follows:

On April 20, 2018, office hours will be from 8.00AM to 11.00AM on Friday.
On Saturday, April 21, 2018, Client Service is CLOSED!

Thank you for your understanding and patience!

IAO Budapest and Pest County Regional Directorate, Customer Service I.

Published in News

Dear Clients!


The Miskolc client service office of  the Regional Directorate of North Hungary will be closed on April 20 2018 (Friday) and April 21 2018 (Saturday) due to renovation an repair workings. On April 23 (Monday)

we will wait for you in the usual office hours. Thank you for your understanding.


Immigration and Asylum Office

Published in News




For the invitation of the Immigration and Asylum Office, a Swiss delegation visited the Headquarter of the Office, the Transit Zone of Röszke as well as the facilities of the Reception Centre and Community Accommodation of Kiskunhalas on the 22nd and 23rd of March, 2018.


180323 Svájci delegáció - Gattiker

Photo: IAO


During the visit Mr. Mario Gattiker, State Secretary for Migration, and Mrs. Zsuzsanna Végh, General Director, discussed inter alia the current migration challenges, Dublin issues and agreed on closer cooperation in the future.



Published in News


Dear Clients!

We would like to inform you that, as of March 12, 2018, the Customer Service I. at 60 Budafoki Street will carry out renovation works until April 30, 2018.

The order of the customer reception is as follows:
On Saturday, March 10, 2018, Customer Service is CLOSED!

During the renovation, the location and order of the customer reception will not change anyway.

Our Customer Service accepts the applications of skill shortages after a prior appointment.

Thank you for your understanding and patience!

IAO Budapest, Customer Service I.

Published in News



Dear Clients!


We kindly inform you that the use of revenue stamps is ceased from 1st January 2018 in the procedure of the Immigration and Asylum Office. From this day, the administrative service fee shall be paid by bank card or on yellow post cheque.


Thank you for your understanding!



Published in News


A Christmas celebration is organized by the Office on Friday, 22 December 2017, in the transit zones, made more memorable and intimate by the Charity Council's offerings.

The Hungarian Maltese Charity Service, the Hungarian Red Cross, the Catholic Charity, the Hungarian Reformed Charity Service, the Ecumenical Aid Organization and the Baptist Charity Service try to create a festive atmosphere with sweets, soft drinks, tinsel, felt pens, crayons, storybooks and plush toys.





Published in News

Home Affairs funds
  • Home Affairs funds


    For further information on the projects implemented by the National Directorate-General for Aliens Policing and co-financed by the Home Affairs Funds of the European Union please click here.



    logo mmia picien



As it was specified by law the official decisions, which procedures started after 1 November 2005, are announced on the website of the Office of Immigration and Nationality. If there is no result with the provided data in the search engine below, please click on the HIRDETMENY link, and repeat the search on the interface that appears.


OIF logó nagyonnagyonkicsi