

On the occasion of the International Children’s Day the Immigration and Asylum Office organized various programmes for children accommodated in the transit zones and the Vámosszabadi reception centre. Social workers of the facilities arranged playful activities (such as craft workshops, outdoor games), handed out gifts, candy to the little ones; at the end of the day the most skillful children were given competition certificates and prizes.


IAO, 02.06.2017


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Between May 22nd  and  26th  2017 the delegation of the Immigration and Asylum Office (IAO) led by the Director-General Zsuzsanna Végh paid an official visit to the Chinese Ministry of Public Security’s Bureau Of Exit and Entry Administration (BEEA), as well as to the Immigration Inspection Station of the Beijing International Airport (GSTII). There were bilateral talks regarding the activities of IAO and BEEA during the past year. Issues discussed included changes of alien and asylum legal framework and the applied document safety and border management technical solutions. Practical aspects of future cooperation between the IAO and BEEA on the management and expert level were also discussed.


170601 BEEA csoportkép honlapra

Photo: IAO


170601 bevándorlásfelügyeleti főhivatal csoportkép - honlapra

Photo: IAO

IAO, 02.06.2017

Published in News


Dear Visitor,


The following pictures were taken in the Transit Zones in Röszke and in Tompa. We publish them for your kind information.


Immigration and Asylum Office


170810 Árnyékolók a tranzitzónában



170810 Légkondícionáló a tranzitzóna közösségi helyiségében



170810 ventilátor a tranzitzóna lakó helyiségében



170614 udvari homokozo

Tompa Zone Röszke - outdoor family area


170614 udvari jatszo

Transit Zone Röszke - outdoor family area (2)


Röszke tranzitzóna családos szektor3

Transit Zone Röszke - outdoor family area (3)


170614 kozossegi

Community room


170614 huto micro vizforralo

Dining room


170614 rezso

Dining room (2)


170614 orvosi rendelo

Physician's office


170614 szaniter

Sanitatiton container


Röszke tranzitzóna gyermek játszószoba(2)

Playing room


170614 emeletes agy

Dormitory (family)


Tompa tranzitzóna gyermek játszószoba

Playing room

Photos: BMH


Published in News


Tompa, 6 April 2017, Thursday (MTI) – After the previous 50-50 places, now not less than 250-250 people can be accommodated in the transit zones of Röszke and Tompa, where all the asylum-seekers can await the decision on their asylum request. The Tompa facility was officially presented to Sándor Pintér Minister of Interior by József Seres, head of Southern Great Plain Directorate of Immigration and Asylum Office. 

     József Seres highlighted that as of 28 March applicants may submit the asylum request only in the transit zones. The police first check their clothes and luggage upon arrival from Serbia to make sure they do not possess gun or other possible harmful object to the life. Then a photograph and fingerprints are taken by asylum authority staff. These data are entered into the EU database, and come under scrutiny whether the applicant had previously submitted a claim in another Member State – as told by the director.
     Personal interviews are held in a separate room, everyone is interrogated in their mother tongue or the language they daily use, asylum specialists are assisted by interpreters on a closed-circuit video system – reminded József Seres.


170406 KAR4541k

Photo: MTI

     Applicants shall await the ruling of the asylum authority in the transit zone and may lodge a motion for review to the court. Hearing by the judge can be performed through the closed-circuit video system, though procedure on site is also possible.

     Free legal aid is available for foreigners of the transit zone, and lawyer is appointed upon request; guardian is appointed for unaccompanied minors. If there are some doubts regarding the age of an applicant, primary tests are conducted by medical officers of the Hungarian Defense Forces serving in the transit zone; in controversial cases forensic experts are brought in to make the decision – explained the director. He added that unaccompanied children below the age of 14 are automatically taken into care in Hungary, while unaccompanied minors over the age of 14 must stay in the transit zone.


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Photo: MTI

     Families, single men and unaccompanied minors are housed in different sectors of the transit zone. Applicants are accommodated in containers of five. Adults receive meals three, children five times a day in line with the religious rules – said the director.

     József Seres also emphasized that playing room, open-air playground and ecumenical place of worship is built in the facility. The foreigners placed in the transit zone are supplied with sanitary products, bedclothes and social workers can be found in each sector of the transit zone.

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Based on the invitation of the Hungarian Immigration and Asylum Office (IAO), leaders of V4 Group Services dealing with migration and asylum held a meeting in Budapest on 29-30th March 2017. In this context they confirmed that further development of their cooperation, continuous information exchange, sharing their practices and experiences, and the coordinated task performance concerning particular agencies of the European Union, especially the European Asylum Support Office (EASO) are essential to overcome the present migration crisis and to enforce regional interests. On the margin of this meeting a workshop was organised for experts based on V4 interior ministers common statement on 21 November 2016 to create the Migration Crisis Management Mechanism.

The participants of the conference visited the Transit Zone in Röszke, where they were informed in detail about the Amendment of Certain Acts Relating to Strengthening the Procedure Conducted in Border Surveillance Areas (Act XX of 2017) entering into force on 28 March 2017, and they surveyed how the new procedure order is implemented.


170330 BMH 350 Fi2k

Photo: IAO


Leaders and experts participated in the conference spoke of the measures Hungary has adopted to restrain illegal migration in high terms emphasizing that these measures serve the interest of Schengen states. The professional gremium declared that the new regulations and their implementation are in harmony with the aims of the European Union and with the measures of numerous Member States to suppress mass migration.

The host of the upcoming meeting of the leaders of V4 immigration services will be Poland in early summer. 




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On the Office celebration of the 1848-49 Revolution and War of Independence Dr. Zsuzsanna Végh presented rewards on behalf of Mr. Sándor Pintér Minister of Interior.


On the occasion of March 15th the following staff members of the Office were rewarded with ministerial acknowledgment for their outstanding professional achievements:


Dr. Kutas Boglárka Réka – Civil Service Honors gold grade

Dr. Kun Natália Viktória - Civil Service Honors bronze grade

Dr. Szilágyi-Bali Zsófia - souvenir

Sárközi Mihály – souvenir

170315 BMHPhoto: IAO

After having presented the rewards, the Director General congratulated the colleagues, proposed a toast and thanked them their outstanding work they have done for the Office with exactitude and sometimes putting the work before their families.


We hereby congratulate the rewarded colleagues wishing them success in their future work




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Dear Clients,


We hereby inform you that from 1st of March, 2017 the office hours of client services are significantly changing. Please, let yourselves be informed about new opening hours on our homepage here.

We hereby draw your attention to our online booking system. We recommend you to reserve your appointment through our website.


Clients in Budapest are received by organization units Customer Service I. and Client Service II. from March 1st on. The Branch Office at 10th District, 131. Harmat Street no longer operates.


Your cooperation is appreciated.


Immigration and Asylum Office


Cher Clients!


Nous vous informons qu’il y a quelque changement dans l’horaire de nos services de clientele chez la gestion regionale de Bureau d’Immigration et d’Asylum.

Pour vous informer veuillez visiter notre website á


Á partir du 1-er Mars, 2017 les clients peuvent contacter uniquement les Bureuax de Service des Clients Nr. I et II.

Notre service dans le Bureau  au 10-eme arrondissement á Budapest, Rue Harmat, Nr. 131. est finalement terminé.


Office de l'Immigration et de l'Asile


Уважаемыe Kлиенты!


Информироваeм Baм, порядок и время oбслуживание клиентов региональных директоратoв Oфисa Иммиграции и Убежища изменен. 

Проcым Вас прочитать информации написаны нашем странице, 


От 1-ого марта 2017 года в Будапэште отдел Ügyfélszolgálat I. и Ügyfélszolgálat II. ждёт Вас. Haш oбслуживание клиентов на отдел Будапэшт, ул. Harmat 131. устранен. 



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“The number of illegal immigrants and asylum seekers in Hungary decreased last year, but we cannot uphold the illusion that the problems will be solved”, Director General of the Immigration and Asylum Office Zsuzsanna Végh said at a press conference in Budapest.

“29,432 people were registered as asylum seekers and 18,236 as illegal migrants”, Ms. Végh said, adding: “More than 400 thousand illegal migrants arrived in the country in 2015 and 177 people submitted requests for asylum”. “The EU-Turkey agreement concluded in the spring led to a reduction in the rate of arrival of migrants, but the agreement is a fragile one”, the Director General recalled.

170202 BMH 017

Photo: IAO

“Hotspots in Italy and Greece have also begun operations; 45 colleagues from the Office of Immigration were involved in work at the hotspots, although they have had to be recalled temporarily due to the worsening security situation”, Ms. Végh told reporters.

The Director General said it was important that the European Border and Coast Guard has been established, and that the European Asylum Support Office (EASO) had set out on the road to becoming and agency similar to Frontex. “The sphere of competence of the EASO is related to several issues that affect national sovereignty, and accordingly we cannot expect quick results”, she indicated.

“It looks like the European Union may be ‘waking from its Sleeping Beauty dream’ and has begun debating several European refugee systems”, she pointed out, adding that we should not sustain any illusions about the fact that the required legislation will be adopted this year. Acts of terrorism and the crimes committed by immigrants have forced Member States to concentrate more on security and become more cooperative than previously, she explained.

The number of illegal immigrants arriving in Europe fell significantly last year, to 500 thousand last year from 1.8 million in 2015, she indicated, adding that there was however no significant drop in the number of asylum requests, because Member States were only able to register those who arrived in 2015 last year.

For instance, in Germany there were 745 thousand applicants, whereas only 248 thousand immigrants arrived in 2016; the rest were still from the previous year. Hungary is in 7th place among the European Union’s member States with regard to the number of registered asylum seekers. Hungary is still fifth with regard to the number of asylum seekers per 1000 citizens, with a ratio of 2.93, although it was in first place in 2015. Syria, Iraq, Pakistan and Iran continue to be the leading source countries in the EU as a whole, although the number of migrants arriving from Kosovo and Albania fell.

With regard to the situation in Hungary, Ms. Végh told reporters that while in 2015 over 400 thousand illegal immigrants arrived in the country and 177 thousand people submitted requests for asylum, the trend was reversed in 2016 and there were more asylum seekers than illegal immigrants.

170202 BMH 096

Photo: IAO

In addition to international developments, the measures introduced by the Hungarian Government, such as the reinforcement of external border security, the amendment of regulations on detaining refugees, or the establishment of the so-called 8-kilometre rule, also played an important part in reducing the numbers of asylum seekers, she highlighted.

With regard to the make-up of asylum seekers in Hungary, the majority are Afghans (11052), followed by Syrians (4979), Pakistanis (3,873), Iraqis (3452) and Iranians (1286). People from a total of 76 different countries submitted asylum requests last year, she added.

“The majority of asylum seekers have been exploiting the system for years when submitting their asylum requests, and move on to other countries without waiting for their asylum proceedings to be completed, and accordingly the Office is only able to process relatively few cases. 4675 requests for asylum were rejected last year and 432 applicants were afforded international protection”, the Director General highlighted.

With regard to action to stop illegal migration, she told reporters that the Office made 4580 decisions to expel illegal immigrants (generally with regard to asylum seekers who have had their requests for asylum rejected) and 3694 decisions to detain migrants. In common with the other Member States of the European Union, Hungary was also not successful with regard to repatriation; there were a total of 845 cases of deportation last year, primarily to Kosovo, Algeria, Pakistan, Iran and Morocco, she said, indicating that 64 citizens from 15 countries accepted assisted repatriation.

On the subject of transit zones, she told reporters that 9681 people had entered the transit zone sin 2016, of who 8771 were immediately transported on to receiving stations because they needed special care (children, families, the elderly, single mothers etc.). The majority of those who were taken to receiving stations left the country before the asylum requests were duly processed. The Office distributed 75 thousand food packages at the various transit zones; most of the packages were given to people waiting to enter the country.

The Director General stressed that more is being spent on caring for refugees each year; 6.7 billion forints last year, following 5.4 billion forints in 2015. The Office has receive the required funding for the performance of all additional duties; the projected budget of 8.7 billion forints ended up increasing to 16.3 billion forints by the end of the year.

170202 BMH 120

Photo: IAO

With regard to 2017, she said that the agreement with Turkey is fragile and if the 3 million people waiting in Turkey were to set off for Europe it would represent a significant danger, as too would the million who are fleeing poverty in Africa. “The EU must pay more attention to protecting its external borders and to supporting source countries”, she added.



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Dear Clients,


We hereby inform you that citizenship, native registry and change of name matters previously assigned to the Office of Immigration and Nationality are transferred to the Prime Minister’s Office and to the Government Office of the Capital City Budapest as of 1 January 2017. From this date our new name is Immigration and Asylum Office.

From 1 January 2017, the Department of Citizenship and Native registry of the Government Office of the Capital City Budapest is responsible for citizenship matters and for change of name procedures and acts as a registration authority for applications for gender or forename changes.


Contacts of the Department of Citizenship and Native registry of the Government Office of the Capital City Budapest:

Phone: +36 1 550 1221

Address: 1364 Budapest, Pf. 234.

E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


From 1 January 2017, the State Secretariat for Territorial Administration of the Prime Minister’s Office acts as the central governing body for native registry matters and as the registration authority for applications for registration of forenames not included in the register of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences.


Contacts of the State Secretariat for Territorial Administration of the Prime Minister’s Office:

Address: 1357 Budapest, Pf. 6.

Phone: +36 1 795 5000

E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Pending cases are transferred to the abovementioned competent authorities.


Your understanding and cooperation is appreciated.


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A meeting took place in the Office’ headquarters on the Hungarian immigration and naturalisation regulations to the members of Consular Corps accredited to Hungary on 29th November 2016. From the Department for International Affairs which conducted the event Mr. András Czakó head of department and Mr. Tamás Lesták deputy head of department attended the meeting.

161129 Konzuli 007hk Photo: OIN

The participants have been informed this conference held in friendly atmosphere on rules for residence of third-country nationals in Hungary and the conditions of regular immigration to Hungary by head of unit Katalin Zámbó from Aliens Policing Directorate, while director András Mágó from Citizenship Directorate spoke about legislation of naturalisation, furthermore about the conditions of obtaining Hungarian citizenship in his presentation.

161129 Konzuli 016hkPhoto: OIN

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Home Affairs funds
  • Home Affairs funds


    For further information on the projects implemented by the National Directorate-General for Aliens Policing and co-financed by the Home Affairs Funds of the European Union please click here.



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As it was specified by law the official decisions, which procedures started after 1 November 2005, are announced on the website of the Office of Immigration and Nationality. If there is no result with the provided data in the search engine below, please click on the HIRDETMENY link, and repeat the search on the interface that appears.


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