

Dear Clients,


We hereby inform you that our branch office in Pécs (Southern Transdanubian Regional Directorate) will be closed due to technical reasons on 17th of June 2016.

Your understanding is appreciated.


Office of Immigration and Nationality

10th of June 2016


Published in News


On 23rd of May 2016 Mr. Dondiv Bold, Director General of the Mongolian Immigration Office visited Hungary. The purpose of his visit was the extension of the Memorandum of Understanding renewed on 16th October 2013, signed between the two offices in order to streghten further effective international cooperation against terrorism. Ms. Batbayar Bolor, Deputy Head of Mission (Charge D’Affaires) and Ms. Ravdan Khanddorj., administrator of Embassador participated at the meeting from the side of the Mongolian Embassy in Hungary. The representatives of the Airport Police Directorate hold an illustrative presentation about a vehichle type - Renault Master – that is used for forced deportation; forced measures in use were also introduced by the Hungarian authority. Thereafter a document security lecture was hold.

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Photo: OIN


On 24th May 2016 the Mongolian delegation visited the Closed Asylum Detention Centre in Kiskunhalas, where dr. Róbert Mátó, Director introduced the organization. During the meeting a presentation was hold on the legal background of the asylum detention by Ms. Tímea Pelei, Head of the Asylum Unit of the North Plan Regional Directorate. In the afternoon, the delegation visited the Röszke-Horgos Road Border Crossing Point, where dr. Balázs Nagy, police lieutenant colonel provided information on the three-stage examination system. At the end of the official programme, dr. József Seres, Director of the South Plan Regional Directorate introduced the Röszke Transit Zone for the Mongolian partners.


OIN, 26.05.2016

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Körmend, April 28, 2016, Thursday (Hungarian News Agency) – “The first group of migrants is expected to arrive in the temporary reception facility with a capacity of 300 set up on the premises of the local police vocational school in Körmend on 2 May.” – announced Anikó Sipos, Head of Regional Directorate of the Office of Immigration and Nationality at a press conference held in the town hall of Körmend on Thursday. She said – “the capacities of the temporary open reception facility are being continuously filled up in line with the increase in the number of migrants seeking asylum in Hungary and the changes in the number of asylum seekers accommodated in other reception facilities.  

At the press conference, Miklós Dukai, Deputy State Secretary of the Ministry of Interior emphasized that the Government had no other choice than opening the temporary reception facility in Körmend due to the increasing migration pressure. He added – “despite the physical closure of the Balkans borders the number of migrants flowing into Europe has been on the increase and migrants are constantly searching for new routes”.  On the basis of information he provided, more than 12.000 migrants have applied for asylum in Hungary this year, and the colleagues of the Office of Immigration and Nationality register more than 200 asylum applications on a daily basis, in addition, the number of individuals accommodated in the reception centers, community shelters, and transit zones has reached 1.777, which is twice as much as it was before. He added – “the overwhelming majority of migrants are not fleeing warzones. Most of them are coming from Pakistan, Afghanistan and North African countries. Hungary is still considered a transit country and not a destination country as migrants wish to travel on to Western European countries”. The Deputy State Secretary kept emphasizing that the Hungarian Government had done everything to prevent illegal migrants from entering the country, then installed and fortified the southern border fence, and made preparations to install a border fence on the Hungarian Romanian border, deployed more border patrol troops and improved their technical conditions. Speaking of the reception center in Körmend, Miklós Duklai could not stress more that the reception center was destined to be a temporary reception facility, which was well supported by the fact that tents had been installed and the facility had been located in a guarded police facility to cause as little trouble to the inhabitants of Körmend as possible.

Sipos Anikó stressed that only registered and medically screened asylum seekers would be placed in the temporary reception facility in Körmend.

János Tiborcz, Head of Police Department of Vas County, contended that the number of Vas County police officers had been increased and reinforced by riot police officers and civil guards, and if need arose, by the armed forces to patrol in Körmend and its surroundings up to the Austrian border. “The County Police Department maintains permanent contact with and consults the provincial Police Department and leadership of Burgenland.” – he added. “All necessary preparations have been taken to ensure that the inhabitants of Körmend continue to enjoy the same public safety they have been accustomed to for decades.” – said János Tiborcz.

István Bebes, the mayor (Fidesz Party) of Körmend, said that they were really hoping that the tent camp would be set up and never put into use. It is important to note though, that “the premises where this temporary facility has been installed is a location belonging to the Ministry of Interior, where migration-related activities can easily be undertaken” – said István Bebes. He also reminded that their public safety-related concerns have been responded by the reinforcement of the police force present in Körmend, and if necessary, the Hungarian Armed Forces could also be deployed. He also emphasized the importance of the reinforcement of local civil guards and the necessity for enhancing the CCTV system. He added that he was going to encourage the members of the City Council to financially support the reinforcement of the local civil guards.

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Photo: György Varga/MTI

bcsp \ bám \ bpt

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08/04/2016, Budapest (MTI) – In its communiqué (sent to the MTI), the Office of Immigration and Nationality (OIN) emphasized on Friday afternoon that current detention conditions are in correspondence with both of EU law and Hungarian regulatory requirements.


The OIN made a comment on the article published on Thursday on the news portal, titled ’Abcúg’ where – among others – it was written that the asylum seekers who come to Europe experience the same circumstances in the Hungarian asylum system as at home, from where they have escaped. Referring to the essays published by the Helsinki Committee and the Cordelia Foundation, the news portal indicated numerous problems and defects. As an example, they highlighted that the asylum seekers have only limited internet access. What’s more, the experts who are in daily connection with the asylum seekers do not have specific qualifications and even the colleagues who work in the immigration detention facilities – in the majority of the cases – do not even have basic English knowledge.    

According to the article’s speakers, refugees are in quasi ’prison conditions’ both in the asylum and in the immigration detention centers. In accordance with the essay, there is no psychologists or psychiatrists in the asylum system.   

In its comment the OIN enhanced that some of the essay’s investigations were released during that period when Hungary was facing the biggest migratory pressure of its history. ’As a consequence, the essay reflects false and sometimes unfounded conclusions’ – as it was noticed. What’s more, - as they underlined – the report contains incorrect facts, like the Békéscsaba asylum acility is not accessible for disabled people, however there is a specific room in the ground floor of the facility which is made especially for the supply of the disabled people’s needs.   

What’s more, - as it was written – there is medical care (which has been operating since years financed by EU support) at the Békéscsaba and Kiskunhalas Asylum Detention Centres where one of the Cordelia Foundation’s doctors also works. 

According to the OIN, that announcement is very deceptive in which the Asylum Act does not mention the person who becomes victim of human trafficking among the people with specific needs, due to the illustrative nature of the law (people suffered from rape / psychical / physical / other serious forms of sexual violence) which also involves this category. What’s more, - as it was highlighted – Hungarian immigration regulations ensure specific treatment and measures of support to the victims of human trafficking.

It was also mentioned that the asylum authority’s colleagues shall participate in a training which is ordered by the law. This regulatory requirement is granted with a training elaborated by the European Asylum Support Office (EASO). It was also enhanced that it is a requirement for the immigration decisionmakers and the social workers who work in asylum detention centers to be able to communicate in a foreign language in an adequate level. Among the colleagues – as it was also emphatized – there are also Arabic speakers, not just English / German / French speakers. 

Commenting the lack of adequate medical care the Office of Immigration and Nationality indicated the followings: on the basis of the law, people with specific needs – regarding to their situation and based on the medical specialist’s opinion – are entitled to utilize (free of charge) the reasonable medical services, rehabilitation care, psychological care, clinical psychology specialist’s care and psycho-therapeutic treatments. 

It was also denied by the OIN, that the asylum seekers do not receive information about their cases and about the proceedings. They explained the followings: the asylum authority gives proper information in the mother tongue or in other languages understood by the applicants. What’s more, the authority organizes regularly customer receptions where applicants are able to obtain information not only about the gerenal proceedings but about their specific cases as well.

In its communiqué, the Office of Immigration and Nationality highlighted that the free movement and keeping contact with the outside world (thus the use of internet and public telephones as well) are ensured within the asylum detention centers. What offen happens is that the facilities’ residents themselves make damage on the contact equipments and computers and even make them unusable.  

6:06 p.m., 08/04/2016, MTI

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The delegation of the Vietnamese Office of Immigration and Nationality (Ministry of Public Security) visited the OIN between 22 and 23 March, 2016. Delegation members were Lt. Gen. Mr. Vu Thanh Binh (Deputy Head of the Vietnamese National Security Agency of the Ministry of Public Security), Maj. Gen. Mr. Le Xuan Vien (Director General of the Vietnamese Office of Immigration and Nationality), Mr. Dang Van Phuong (Deputy Head of the Aliens Policing Directorate), D. Com. Ms. Nguyen Thi Binh Phuong (Deputy Head of Noi Bai International Airport) and Ms. Nguyen Thu Thuy, colleague of the Department of International Affairs.

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(Photo: OIN)

The delegation was welcomed by Ms. Zsuzsanna Végh, Director General, Mr. Attila Kiss, Deputy Director General and Ms. Szilvia Konyhás, Head of Aliens Policing Directorate. Among the meeting’s topics the two institutes’ current and future areas of cooperation was discussed. The aliens policing work of the Hungarian OIN was also presented and a Cooperation Agreement was signed ceremoniously.


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5:45 p.m., 17/03/2016

Relating to a Pakistani citizen’s case, all the points of the Hungarian reasoning were approved by the Court of Justice of the European Union, thus Hungary is able to expel migrants to safe third countries legitimately in the framework of Dublin System.

Responding to the huge migration flow arriving to Hungary (beside other measures granting the safety of Hungary), the Hungarian government listed the safe countries of origin and the safe third countries in a Government Decree of July, 2015. According to the aforementioned Decree, beside numerous countries, Serbia is considered to be a safe country of origin and a safe third country – this fact has an importance even in the abovementioned case which can be originated to last August.  

The Court of Justice of the European Union in its sentence – Case C-695/15 PPU; Shiraz Baig Mirza contra the Office of Immigration and Nationality – that was pronounced on the 17th of March, 2016, recorded the accordance – approving all the points of the Hungarian reasoning – between the Hungarian regulation, its practice (this makes possible the so-called inadmissibility investigation of the applicants taken over in the framework of Dublin System) and the Dublin III Regulation and the relevant asylum directives. An application may be considered as inadmissible if the applicant has arrived from a safe third country and still has submitted an asylum application in one of the Member States.    

Accordingly, Hungarian authorities are able to investigate the adaptability of the safe third country’s principle even after the Dublin reception. If the conditions are met, Hungarian authorities may order legitimately the applicant’s expulsion to that safe country.  

In the case C-695/15 PPU, a Pakistani citizen is affected who entered to Hungary illegally from Serbia in August, 2015. The aforementioned person submitted an application for international protection and after that – without waiting for the procedure’s outcome – left the country and entered to the Czech Republic, without permission. The person in question was delivered to the Hungarian authorities in the framework of Dublin Regulation to adjudge his application. The application was rejected due to inadmissibility reasons and the Pakistani citizen in question was expelled to Serbia which is considered to be a safe third country. The applicant went to court against this decision.  

Suspending the procedure, the Debrecen Administrative and Labour Court – which court proceeded in this case - requested a preliminary ruling from the Court of Justice of the European Union in December, 2015: first of all, they required a guideline about the fact if – after the reception in the framework if the Dublin System - a Member State is able to investigate if the applicant – who has submitted an application for international protection – has arrived from a safe third country or not.  

In its sentence the Court of Justice of the European Union records the followings: the fact that a responsible Member State – in accordance with the Dublin Regulations – takes an applicant from another Member State (for example, if a person gets back to the location of his/her first application if he/she didn’t wait for the outcome of the proceedings and left that place without permission), does not preclude that the applicant thereafter will be sent to a safe third country according to the Dublin III Regulation.  

(; Ministry of Justice)

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The presentation of recognitions took place during the ceremony organised on the occasion of the 1848-49 Hungarian Revolution and war of independence.


Upon the 15th of March, the following collegues are to receive a ministerial recognition for particular professional activity:


Nagy Diána Zsófia – Civil Service Honors gold grade

Szolnoki Istvánné – Civil Service Honors silver grade

Kozma Zoltán - souvenir

Ludmann Csabáné - souvenir

Kállai Zsuzsanna - souvenir

Dr. Mágó Barbara – Certificate of Ministerial Recognition


We congratulate the honoured personnes and wish them all the best in the future!


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Dear Client,


Hereby we inform you that the OIN’s Appointment Booking System (that can be found on the OIN’s webpage, on was updated taking into account the last period’s experiences. Owing to the update, the reservations will adjust to the specific cases and also to the number of the clients (1 person; 2 or 3 persons; 4 or more persons) with periods of 15 to 180 minutes (the periods image the real duration of the administration). Developing the clients’ better access to the system, one registration will be able to handle as a maximum of 3 reservations only at the same time. In case of timeout or cancellation, new reservations could be booked with the same registration.


Another innovation could be that it will be compulsory to type that client’s name who turns up in the OIN’s branch office to administrate his / her case. The reservation could be finalized only with typing the name of this client. If the client’s name (who appears ahead of the administrators) is not the same that can be found in the reservation, then the client has to draw a number from the queuing machine that can be found at the entrance of the branch office. Please note that a finished and finalized reservation could not be reopened thus it is not possible to change the client’s name after finalization. 


According to the installation of the differentiated periods of administration to the booking system, the OIN will cancel the – previously finalized and available for 30-minutes-long - appointments scheduled after 11/03/2016. Please rebook your appointments if they are valid after the aforementioned date. Please note that there is still a possibility – with personal appearance and queuing a number - to manage your cases without booking appointments at the OIN’s branch offices.  


We hope you will like our updated Appointment Booking System which will made the administration more predictable and smooth, provides a broader access to the system for our Clients, and simplify the management in the Office of Immigration and Nationality.


Thank you for your cooperation.


Kind regards,

Office of Immigration and Nationality

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Dear Clients!


We would like to inform you that due to national holiday on 14th and 15th March our Branch Offices will be closed. 

Thank you for your understanding!


Office of Immigration and Nationality

Published in News


Last Year was extraordinary, because a migration pressure has reached Hungary like never seen before - said Zsuzsanna Végh, the General Director of the Office of Immigration and Nationality (OIN) at the press conference.

She said, although it was previously signified on international forums, that the importance of the Balkan route will increase due to the illegal migration, the decision-makers of the European Union saw no serious risk in these alerts. However last year extreme growth could be perceived: the number of the illegal border crossers was more than 414 000.

Zsuzsanna Végh said: Among the illegal migrants, who moved on the West Balkan route, there were genuine refugees from the crisis zones, and there were people who were on their way for economic reasons.



Photo: Gergely Botár/



She added that in the first half of the year the number of asylum applications almost "passed along" the number of the aliens’ policy procedures, however in early summer the gap has grown, people who arrived illegal did not apply for asylum, they even explicitly refused to cooperate with the authorities and denied to contribute to the registration.

The General Director stated: according to the data of November, Hungary has registered the second most (177 000) asylum application in the European Union, regarding the number of asylum applicants per thousand inhabitants Hungary was the first between the 28 Member State.

Most of the applicants came from the Middle East, central and southern parts of Africa north and central parts of Asia and the Western Balkans. Most of the applicants were Syrian - or claimed to be - as well as Afghan, Kosovo, Pakistani, Iraqi, they were together the ninety per cent of all applicants. Earlier this year, the applicants came mainly from Kosovo, later people from crisis zone dominated.

Comparing to the previous years the number of unaccompanied minors were increased last year, 8 000 of them were registered, but many of them has left the country within a short period of time. In the matter of the most of the asylum application procedures – in 152 000 case -, the process had to be terminated, because the asylum applicant has left for unknown location. The applicants were conducted in international protection in the 15 percent of the merit conducted procedures, primarily Syrians, Afghans and Somalians.

The OIN expends approximately HUF 5.5 billion expressly for the feeding, healthcare and for the appanage of the Refugees.



Photo: Gergely Botár/


The Director General said: they endeavored to record the fingerprints and to transmit them to the international database, to take biometric photos, to register personal data, and to capacity building.

She recalled: on th 16th of September there were riots in Röszke, although the migrants could have sought asylum just within a couple of meters from the location in the transit zone, but they did not.

She denoted: as a result of the government measures - the modified legislation, the temporary technical closing of borders, the closing of the green border, creating the transit zones, changing the asylum rules – ‘the problems related to migration has temporarily been solved’, the routes of migration have changed and the migration flow currently bypasses the country.

The number of illegal border crossers has declined; in the last two months of the year barely a thousand apprehensions supervened. The number of the asylum seekers has significantly dropped, around 5500; in three months it did not reach the number of two-three weeks in the summer.


Károly Konrát, the Parliamentary secretary of the Ministry of Interior emphasized that the government maintained a definite migrant policy from the very first moment and took action to prevent the danger first. These measures defended not only the Hungarian borders, but also defended the borders of the EU.

He denoted: the starter budget of the office in 2015 was HUF 9.7 billion, during the year the government has given an additional HUF 10 billion to the OIN. He noted: it is regrettable that the EU has offered much less subsidies for Hungary than for other stakeholder EU countries. He emphasized that the legislative changes made it possible to conduct the asylum procedures faster and more rigorously. The Secretary of State declared the work of the Office successful and efficient but he also noted the ‘we must be vigilant’ because the migration crisis is not solved, we do not know how the situation develops.



Photo: Gergely Botár/


He pointed out that thousands of migrants are still arriving from Greece, and as long as the EU can not achieve the protection of the Greek border, the problem will not cease. He referred to the fact that according to the forecasts this year 1 million migrants may reach Europe. With regard to Austria reinstated border controls, in response to the questions he explained that it shows that Austria realized that they can not maintain their previous position. The decision is still fresh, the experience will be assessed, but it is certain that the border check will slow down to get to Austria- he added.

Answering the question, Zsuzsanna Végh said, that the rest of the EU is struggling with the problem that the applicants for asylum ‘disappear’ in the eyes of the authorities, that is why there are only few returns and if they are even returned – for example to Hungary – the migrants disappear there as well and ‘they are wandering among the Member States’.

With regard to the incidence at the reception point at Kiskunhalas, she emphasized that last year more than one hundred extraordinary incidence happened, these were all investigated and the OIM does so in this case as well.

18th January 2016.



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Home Affairs funds
  • Home Affairs funds


    For further information on the projects implemented by the National Directorate-General for Aliens Policing and co-financed by the Home Affairs Funds of the European Union please click here.



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