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Dear Clients!


Please be informed, for the prevention of spreading of the corona virus, in all of the National Directorate-General for Aliens Policing client service offices it is a mandatory to wear mask and to use hand sanitizer.

Furthermore, we request our clients in case of fever or flu symptons, please do not use our client service offices, and prioratize the electronical options.


Thank you for your understanding!


Budapest, 25. August 2022 

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Dear Clients,


We inform you that the opening hours of our Client Service on 1108 Budapest, Harmat street 131. will be changing from 8 August 2022 as the following:


Monday:        8:00-15:00

Tuesday:        8:00-15:00

Wednesday:   8:00-15:00

Thursday:      8:00-15:00

Friday:           8:00-13:00


Thank you for your understanding.


Шановні Замовники/Клієнти!


Повідомліємо Вас, що з 8 серпня 2022 року години роботи нашого офісу обслуговування змінюється за адресою 1108 Будапешт, вулиця Harmat 131.


Понеділок: 8:00-15:00

Вівторок: 8:00-15:00

Середа: 8:00-15:00

Четвер: 8:00-15:00

П'ятниця: 8:00-13:00


Дякуємо за розуміння!

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Dear Clients!


We kindly inform you that on August 4 2022, between 8 a.m. and 4 p.m. there will be a maintenance on the power network in the customer service of the National Directorate General for Aliens Policing in Tolna county, Szekszárd and it causes power outage through the office hours.

We cannot receive our clients at this customer service on this day.


Thank you for your understanding!

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Dear Clients,

we hereby inform you that the following cases are exempt from payment of administrative fee:

  • ·issue of residence permit or extension of residence permit of Ukrainian citizens
  • ·issue of residence permit or extension of residence permit for purpose of studies, or employment of Belorussian citizens
  • ·applications for issue or extension of residence permits for purpose of studies of those, who receive Hungarian State Scholarship e.g. Stipendium Hungaricum, or the ones who have for-study ministerial sponsorship

In the above cases, the administrative fee does not have to be paid off!


Informamos a Estimados Clientes,

que los siguientes aplicantes no tienen que pagar la tarifa administrativa :

  • ·aplicación/prolongación de permiso de residencia de los ciudadanos ucránios
  • ·
  • ·aplicación/prolongación de permiso de residencia con objetivo de estudio de los que reciben beca húngara (por ejemplo: Stipendium Hungaricum) o de los que reciben apoyo al estudio del ministro

En los casos mencionados no tienen que pagar la tarifa administrativa!


Уважаемые клиенты, 

уведомляем вас, что освобождаются от уплаты сбора за административные услуги:

  • ·заявления   о выдаче или продлении вида на жительство гражданина Украины
  • ·заявления о выдаче или продлении вида на жительство гражданина Белоруссии с целью учебы или работы
  • ·заявления на выдачу или продление вида на жительство с целью обучения, если заявитель получает стипендию венгерского государства, например, стипендию Stipendium Hungaricum, или получает грант от Министерства.

В вышеуказанных случаях плата за процедуру не взимается!


11 July 2022

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Welcome to Hungary.


Please allow NDGAP to be of assistance to your stay within the territory of Hungary you by providing you with some important and useful pieces of information.


If you are a third-country national subject to a visa requirement, under the current applicable legislation of the European Union (hereinafter referred to as EU), the Schengen Area and Hungary in effect, you may enter the territory of Hungary and the Schengen Area only with a valid visa, provided that you wish to stay within the territory of Hungary for up to 90 days within a 180-day period. (Please note that 5 Member States of the EU, i.e. Bulgaria, Cyprus, Croatia, Ireland and Romania, are still not part of the Schengen Area; therefore, Schengen visas are not valid for travelling to them as a general rule). Nationals of the United Kingdom may still travel visa-free to the territory of Hungary for up to 90 days within a 180-day period.


A list of visa-exempt countries is available under the menu item “Utazás Magyarországra”, i.e. “Travelling to Hungary” on the webpage accessible via the webpage. Holders of documents issued by countries and territories which are not indicated on the list are required to have a visa to enter the territory of the Schengen Area. The Schengen visa and entry rules apply to only “short-term stays” not exceeding 90 days. Consequently, a visa holder may stay within the territory of the Schengen Area, and thus in Hungary, within the validity time specified in his/her visa maximum for as many days as the number of days for stay specified. (Please note that if you are a holder of a visa with limited territorial validity (i.e. an “LTV visa”) or a visa covering only the territory of Hungary, you may not enter the territory of Members States other than that of the country or countries specific to the territorial validity of your visa.) For the accurate and exhaustive list of Schengen States, please visit the “Schengen Area” article page of Wikipedia.


If your travel document with a valid visa gets lost, stolen or destroyed during your stay within the territory of Hungary, you will be required to replace it without delay. Replacing the document is subject to appearance in person. NDGAP kindly requests you to have the following with you for the replacement procedure:


In case of a stolen visa, the police report, in case of a lost or destroyed visa, a declaration written to NDGAP on the circumstances; your valid travel document; and a certificate from FINA proving that you are a participant of the 19th FINA World Championships 2022 Budapest and your capacity in which you are participating in the event.


As specified below, in exceptional cases it is also possible to extend the duration of stay specified in the visa, i.e. to extend the visa; eligibility for the extension is to be substantiated by the person applying for the extension.


Humanitarian reasons may arise (usually due to a force majeure event: weather, technical or medical impediments, etc.) or due to a cause resulting from occupation and employment or an underlying or unavoidable condition (you are required to extend your participation at the 19th FINA World Championships 2022 Budapest). The duration of stay may not exceed 90 days even after the extension.


The application form is to be submitted by filling in the form, no later than the last day of the validity of the visa, and in person by the applicant. In this context, the applicant is to present his/her valid travel document; in addition, enclose to his/her application a facial photograph and documents substantiating that the applicant meets the conditions of stay and exit or onward travel; and thus the certificate from FINA. Nonetheless, the extension shall not result in the change of the original purpose of the visa.


The regional directorate makes a decision on the application for the extension of a visa immediately; if the regional directorate approves the application, it will issue a visa. The territorial validity of the extended visa covers all Schengen States for which the original visa was valid for.


An applicant may submit his/her application for a visa replacement or extension to the competent NDGAP regional directorate as per the place of residence of the applicant within the territory of Hungary.


In case of a place of accommodation in Budapest and Pest County, please contact the Budapest and Pest County Regional Directorate of the National Directorate-General for Aliens Policing, address: H-1117 Budapest, 60 Budafoki út, telephone: +36 1 463-9100.


In case of a place of accommodation in Szeged, please contact the South Plain Regional Directorate of the National Directorate-General for Aliens Policing, address: H-6724 Szeged, 3/A Bakay Nándor utca, telephone: +36 62 795 150.


In case of a place of accommodation in Debrecen, please contact the North Plain Regional Directorate of the National Directorate-General for Aliens Policing, address: H-4033 Debrecen, 145 Sámsoni út, telephone: +36 52 503 840.


In case of a place of accommodation in Sopron, please contact the West Transdanubia Regional Directorate of the National Directorate-General for Aliens Policing, address: H-9700 Szombathely, 1 Kisfaludy S. utca, telephone: +36 94 320 423 or H-9026 Győr, 17 Szövetség utca, telephone:  +36 96 510 700.


Furthermore, the Call Centre of the National Directorate-General for Aliens Policing is available at +36 1 463 92 92 from Monday to Thursday between 07:30 and 16:00, on Friday between 07:30 and 13:30.


Please note that in addition to the contact details above, further information in detail are available under the website.


NDGAP wishes you a successful stay in Hungary.


Budapest, 15 June 2022


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Dear Clients,



Please be informed that our Call Center is not available temporarily due to technical reasons.



Thank you for your undestanding.

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Dear Clients!

Please note that all of our offices will be CLOSED for holiday on the 6th of June 2022.

Thank you for your understanding!


Шановні Замовники!

Інформуємо наших шановних клієнтів,

 що 6 червня 2022 року наші офіси обслуговування клієнтів будуть закриті у зв’язку з державними святами.


Дякую за розуміння.


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Шановні Замовники!


Повідомляємо Вас, що з 11.05.2022 року ми приймаемо замовників з України з метою подання заяви про визнання притулку та отримання гуманітарного дозволу на проживання або дозвіл на тимчасове проживання по наступному:

Місце прийому: 1108 Будапешт, вул Harmat 131.

Графік прийому: З понеділка по п'ятницю з 8.00 до 16.00

Ми також повідомляємо Вас, що в нашому офісі обслуговування замовників за адресою 1108 Будапешт, вул Harmat 131 прийматимуться лише вищеназначена база замовників .

Розгляд інших видів справ доступні в будні в робочий час в наших офісах обслуговування замовників, які знаходиться за адресою 1135  Будапешт, вул Szegedi 35-37., або 1117 Будапешт, вул Budafoki 60.


Дякуємо за розуміння та співпрацю!


Будапешт, 11 травня 2022 року



Національне Генеральне Управління у Справах Іноземців

Регіональна Дирекція Будапешта та Пешта


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Dear Clients,


We would like to inform you that from 11.05.2022 we will be open for clients from Ukraine for the purpose of applying for temporary protection and issuing humanitarian residence permits or certification of temporary residence as per shown beneath.


Location:                                 131. Harmat street Budapest 1108.

Opening time:                         from Monday to Friday 8AM to 4PM



-        Application for temporary protection exclusively regarding those who arrived from Ukraine

-        Reporting of change of address or other data regarding applicants for temporary protection and beneficiaries of temporary protection

-        Issuance of residence permit on humanitarian grounds

-        Issuance and extension of temporary residence certificate regarding third-country nationals who arrived from Ukraine where they dwelled lawfully


Clients:           Third country nationals who has accomodation in Budapest or in Pest County



-        Approachable by bus 85 or 85E from Örs vezér square by taking off at ,,Tavas utca" and taking a 3 minute walk

-        By taking bus 68 from ,,Kőbánya-Kispest" metro station, taking off at ,,Sportliget" stop and taking a 3 minute walk.

-        By taking bus 185 from ,,Kőbánya alsó" taking off at ,,Sportliget" and taking a 1 minute walk.


Please also note that this time onwards, our Client Service Office at 131. Harmat street Budapest 1108 will only be open to the above mentioned clientele. Other types of cases can be handled at our Client Services az 35-37 Szegedi way Budapest 1135 and 60. Budafoki way Budapest 1117, on weekdays, during opening hours.


Thank you for your understanding and cooperation!


11nd of May 2022, Budapest


                                                                       Budapest and Pest County Regional Directorate

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Home Affairs funds
  • Home Affairs funds


    For further information on the projects implemented by the National Directorate-General for Aliens Policing and co-financed by the Home Affairs Funds of the European Union please click here.



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As it was specified by law the official decisions, which procedures started after 1 November 2005, are announced on the website of the Office of Immigration and Nationality. If there is no result with the provided data in the search engine below, please click on the HIRDETMENY link, and repeat the search on the interface that appears.


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