Information for employers and host organisations employing guest workers in Hungary

Information for employers and host organisations employing guest workers in Hungary

If in the event of termination or cessation of the employment of the guest worker, the employer or the host organisation fails to comply with its obligation in connection with the guest worker’s obligation to leave the country or to report the non-commencement or termination of employment of the guest worker in the case of 30% of the number of guest workers it brought to Hungary in a calendar year, the employer or the host organisation may not employ any more guest workers beyond the existing guest worker staff member for 2 years from the issuance date of the fine.


The employer must reimburse the costs of return, removal and aliens policing detention advanced by the immigration authority and the body established for general police duties if

a) the guest worker under return cannot cover the costs and

b) the return was ordered because

·         the guest worker does not meet the conditions of residence,

·         the guest worker has worked without a permit, or

·         the guest worker’s entry and stay threatens or endangers public health.


Last edited: 2025.02.28. 10:07