Visa for guest investors
1) Which third-country nationals are eligible to be granted a visa for guest investors?
A visa for guest investors may be granted to a third-country national whose entry and stay in Hungary is in national economic interest due to his/her investments realised in Hungary.
Realisation of the following investments shall be considered as national economic interest:
a) acquisition of an investment fund share of at least EUR 250 000 issued by a real estate fund registered by the Hungarian National Bank,
b) provision of a financial donation in an amount of at least EUR 1 000 000 and for a purpose of educational, scientific research or artistic creation activities, to a higher education institution maintained by a public trust with a public-service mission
Definition of third-country nationals:
- · Non-Hungarian nationals who are not persons with the right of free movement and residence, i. e. who are not EEA nationals or family members of an EEA national, and
- · stateless persons
qualify as third-country nationals.
2) Where can clients submit their applications?
You may submit an application for a visa for guest investors before a consular officer of Hungary in the country of your permanent or habitual place of residence, or your nationality.
You may submit an application before a consular officer of Hungary in a country where you are staying legally as well if
- · there are not any consular officers of Hungary deployed in the country of your permanent or habitual place of residence, or the country of your nationality, and
- · you provide documentary proof of the reasons of your application submission in a third country other than the country of your permanent or habitual place of residence.
3) Administrative service fee for the procedure
For information on administrative service fees for procedures, please click here.
4) What are the mandatory attachments/enclosures of an application?
For submission, applicants are required to complete the application form correctly in full and to submit the completed document with their signature. The form is available by clicking here. Word format here.
For the approval of your application for a visa, you are required to meet conditions for entry and residence, during the procedures mandatory attachments/enclosures may serve as proof of meeting the set conditions.
Please attach/enclose the following to/with the application for a visa for guest investors in proof of the purpose of entry and stay:
- · a certificate from the real estate fund manager registered by the Hungarian National Bank or from the distributor of the investment fund share on the purchase of the investment fund share of at least EUR 250 000 issued under the name of the third-country national, or
- · a certificate from the higher education institution maintained by a public trust with a public-service mission certifying that the higher education institution has received a financial donation from you of at least EUR 1 000 000 to support educational, scientific research or artistic creation activities. The list of higher education institutions maintained by public trusts
with a public-service mission is available here.
In case you are not the holder of the investment yet, the following must be attached to/enclosed with to the application:
- · a declaration indicating which of the
abovementioned investments you are
planning to realise within the validity period of the visa for guest investors (for downloading a sample form
of declaration, please click here),
- · a certifying document in proof of having sufficient financial means to cover for the investment issued by a foreign or Hungarian credit institution, which amount required for the investment is at your disposal permanently.
The legal origin/acquirement of the amount of money available to the applicant must be credibly substantiated, in particular by
- · a public document or a private document providing full probative force evidencing the origin of the property, right of property value, or property value; or
- · a document in proof of a taxable regular income from a regular employment relationship or business activity.
In the procedure for a visa the following must be attached/enclosed:
· a
document in proof of the address of the applicant’s actual place of
accommodation in Hungary
· a valid travel document,
· 1 facial photograph.
Please note that during the procedure the aliens policing authority assesses circumstances, which objectively exclude fulfilment of the undertaken investment. During the procedures the aliens policing authority assesses circumstances excluding investments based on restrictive measures taken by the United Nations or the European Union. Further information on restrictive measures accepted by the United Nations Security Council and the Council of the European Union is available via the following link:
5) For how long is a visa for guest investors valid? Which steps are to be taken after the entry into the territory of Hungary?
The validity period of a visa for guest investors is up to 6 months.
Please note that if the validity period of the travel document is less than 6 months, the authority shall determine the date of expiry of the residence permit in a way that the third-country national’s travel document shall be valid at least for another 30 days after the date of expiry of the approved residence.
A visa for guest investors becomes invalid upon the issuance of the respective residence permit for guest investors.
A visa for guest investors entitles its holder for a stay up to 6 month within the territory of Hungary, and to transit to Hungary from Member States.
Please note that the application for a residence permit for guest investors must be submitted the latest on the 30th day from the date of the first entry into the territory of Hungary with a visa for guest investors before the competent Regional Directorate of NDGAP, or the Central Regional Directorate of NDGAP if your place of accommodation is located within Budapest or Pest County (only following prior appointment booking, which is available by clicking here), or via the electronic information system and procedure initiation platform of Enter Hungary.
Please note that the aliens policing authority revokes the visa for guest investors if the third-country national will be subject to a return decision or an alert in the Schengen Information System (SIS), as well as if the applicant provided false information, an untrue fact or deceived the acting authority, which becomes established following the issuance of the visa. The issuance date of the visa is the date of the approval of the visa application, concerning which the client shall receive a written notice of information.
Please note that in case of the revocation of the visa for guest investors, i.e., the termination of the legal title of your stay, you must leave the territory of Hungary without delay. With regards to revoked visa stickers, the aliens policing authority issues an alert in the Schengen Information System (SIS) pursuant to Article 38 of Regulation (EU) 2018/1862 of the European Parliament and of the Council.
If you do not comply with this provision, the authority opens an aliens policing procedure ex officio, during which you will be excluded from the territory of the Member States of the European Union and the Schengen Area.
Please note that in case of the revocation of the visa for guest investors, i.e., the termination of the legal title of your stay, you must leave the territory of Hungary without delay. With regards to revoked visa stickers, the aliens policing authority issues an alert in the Schengen Information System (SIS) pursuant to Article 38 of Regulation (EU) 2018/1862 of the European Parliament and of the Council.
If you do not comply with this provision, the authority opens an aliens policing procedure ex officio, during which you will be excluded from the territory of the Member States of the European Union and the Schengen Area.